Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury journal and its effect on theory and methodology of athletics (cyclic sports disciplines)


PhD S.A. Pronin
Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the degree of influence of the Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury Journal on the development of the theory and methodology of athletics (cyclic sports disciplines).
Methods and structure of the study. The statistical survey under the study addressed the development rates of the theory and methodology of athletics. The data from the information environment of "Sport Science System" (SSS) served as an empirical basis. We used its bibliographic, morphological, and semantic modules. At the same time, a thesaurus method was applied. Its empirical basis was formed by the pre-textbooks and university textbooks on the theory and methodology of athletics, which (ideally) were to contain essential knowledge accumulated at a particular point in time.
Results and conclusions. The author conducted the statistical survey of the trends in the number of publications over the period of 1925-2019 devoted to the problems of athletics (cyclic sports disciplines). In particular, it is noted that the published articles are primarily devoted to the problems of the athletic training methods in this kind of sport.
The Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury Journal publications devoted to the problems of athletics (cycling sports disciplines) reflect the nature of information, which is subsequently transformed into contents of textbooks on the theory and methodology of the cyclic types of athletics, as well as define perspective directions of research in the field.

Keywords: Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury Journal, theory and methodology of athletics, trend in the number of publications, trend in the number of terms used, statistical survey, thesaurus method.


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