Combination of floor barre and abdominal breathing in preventing spine disorders in women


Dr.Biol., Professor Yu.A. Bukov1
PhD, Associate Professor L.M. Bukova1
I.O. Garmasar1
Dr. Hab., Professor L.B. Andryushchenko2
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to substantiate the use of floor barre coupled with abdominal breathing in preventing osteochondrosis in women.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 28 women aged 35-40 years, who were diagnosed with an initial stage of osteochondrosis of the lumbar crescent spine, according to the anamnestic and functional data. All subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups: Control Group (n=14) and Experimental Group (n=14). The effectiveness of the prophylactic program was evaluated by the body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), birth-death ratio (BDR, mg/kg), hypoxic test rate (HT, sec), adaptive capacity of the circulatory system (AC, point), PWC150 test rate (kg/min/kg), "fingers-ground" test rate (cm), Schober (cm) and Lasegue (point) test rates. The results were processed using the Statistika 6 software package.
Results and conclusions. The application of the author’s method made it possible to improve the efficiency of the functional systems of the body: a decrease in the body mass index by more than 15.5% (p<0.01) and its transition to the zone of optimum values indicated the normalization of the body mass; abdominal breathing contributed to an increase in the birth-death ratio by more than 25.0% (p<0.01); hypoxic tolerance increased by about 24.0% (p<0.01); physical working capacity (PWC150 index) increased by 2.8 kg/kgm/min, (p<0.01); the amplitude of movement at the extension increased by 22.2%, and at flexion - by 24.3% (p<0.01); the Lasegue test rates for differential lumbar pain diagnosis decreased to 0.42±0.09 points(p<0.01).
The combination of floor barre and abdominal breathing was found to increase the activity of sanogenetic mechanisms that determine the effectiveness of health improvement and prevention measures in application to middle-aged women.

Keywords: floor barre, abdominal breathing, prevention measures, musculoskeletal system.


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