Additional professional programs for advanced training of football and hockey coaches


PhD, Professor A.V. Leksakov1
PhD D.R. Cherenkov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Gustomyasov2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to actualize the problem of development of additional professional programs aimed to improve qualifications and/ or retrain coaches and specialists in hockey and football.
Methods and structure of the study. Within the framework of the current study, literature and other sources on the research problem were analyzed.
Results of the study and conclusions. We substantiated the structure of the additional professional programs for advanced training of coaches and specialists in hockey and football; developed the modules and core courses of the additional professional programs; developed a project of advanced training of coaches and specialists in football and hockey. For the first time ever, the content of the additional professional programs for advanced training of coaches and specialists in hockey and football was scientifically substantiated using the forms of distance learning.
The results obtained are of great practical significance, which is to develop materials aimed to improve the process of advanced training and/ or professional retraining of coaches and specialists in hockey and football.

Keywords: football coaches, training system, professional programs.


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