Ways to stimulate motivation of secondary school children for physical education and sports classes


Postgraduate student V.V. Toryanik
Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the present study was to determine the schoolchildren's motives for physical education and sports classes and the ways to motivate them.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted in September 2018. Sampled for the study were the 5th-grade students of Gymnasium No.1, Noyabrsk (n=25). The schoolchildren's motivation for physical education and sports classes was determined using A.G. Gretsov's diagnostic technique "Motivation to achieve success in sports" (modified based on T. Ehlers’s "Motivation to success (failure avoidance motivation)" test). The test form offered 30 questions about achievement motivation.
Results of the study and conclusions. The low level of schoolchildren's motivation for physical culture and sports classes necessitated proposing measures to increase it. They were proved effective through teaching traditional sports (track and field athletics, sports games, swimming, gymnastics) coupled with the new sports activities proposed by the authors in the form of a modular program, namely, Tae-bo. A sports club was also organized for the children to participate in various sports activities together with their parents.

Keywords: motivation, teenagers, teacher, physical education.


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