Effectiveness of competitive performance of basketball team


PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Kudryashov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm

Keywords: competitive performance, women’s basketball, team, basketball statistics processing software

Background. Teamwork progress analyses need to give a due priority to the competitive performance rates as they provide an integrated measure of the individual/ team fitness and the teamwork quality and efficiency [1, 2, 8]. It is rather traditional for the modern team sports to rate the team competitive performance by not only the competitive success (win or loss) rates but also the actual individual/ team fitness/ success rates in every match [4], with the individual contributions to the team success or failure rated in every game [7]. Such performance rating analyses are known to be beneficial for youth and skilled teams [3, 5, 6]. Competitive performance data flow and analyses of every individual/ team technical and tactical action make it possible to find the strengths and weaknesses in the competitive fitness profiles and make the necessary updates. That is the prime reason for the sport science giving a growing attention to the competitive performance criteria, rating procedures and analyses. Moreover, the active coaching teams have always been in need of practical and efficient competitive performance rating tools, and that is why the topic of our study is relevant for the modern sport theory and practice.

Objective of the study was to provide a theoretical and practical grounds for and test benefits of a new computerized competitive performance rating and match statistics processing computerized system.

Methods and structure of the study. We applied for the purposes of the study modern individual/ team performance data reading and processing tools tested in the Perm Area, Perm Municipal, Perm Cup and the Prikamye Regional Student Basketball Championships. The individual/ team technical/ tactical actions were recorded and analyzed by the new computerized Online Basket Statistical Data Processing System.

Results and discussion. The system is served by a special game monitor who reads and dictates the competitive performance data to the Online Basket Statistical Data Processing System operator who inputs the data flow in the system for processing. Given on Figure 1 hereunder is the sample match statistics of a Teacher Basketball Club from Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University. Note that Figure 1 presents summarized data for a 8 matches in the championship.


Figure 1. Individual technical/ tactical competitive performance rates

The table is printable out at the midpoint and upon completion of every match to profile the match competitive performance. The statistical match reports give team names, event, date and time, referees, coaches, team compositions etc. The individual technical/ tactical actions coded as follows: P points scored; M/T match/ total points; %; 3-point score; Penalty score; AP attacking passes; IC interceptions, BS block shots, LS losses, HB home board, OB opponent’s board, T total, F fouls, OF opponent’s fouls, MT match time; +/- plus-minus; ER efficiency rate calculated as: (scored points+ attacking passes+ interceptions+ repossessions+ block shots+ opponent’s fouls) minus (missed shots+ losses+ fouls). 

Therefore, such competitive performance data matrix gives the objective competitive performance profiles for every match. Thus column 1 gives the player’s number; column 2 player’s full name; column 3 total matches played (8 in the case – the figure differs for different players who may be absent or idle); column 4 gives average points scored per match in the championship etc.

Let us consider #4 Yulia Kolpakova’s competitive performance who scored 3.8 points per match on average. Note that the last column gives the total team score and average per match (46.6 average points and 373 total points for 8 matches in the case). Later on the table gives the competitive performance details including the 2-point score, average per match, ER efficiency rate – 1.5 points of 6.9 attempts in the case (ER=22%). The team made on average 127 scoring 2-point shots of 385 attempts with the efficiency rate of 33%. Only 1 of 8 3-point throws was successful (ER=17%); with the team making 21 successful 3-point shots out of 100 (ER=21%). Penalty shot efficiency rate of the player is estimated at 30% versus the 57% team average (7 out of 12). There were 81 team total attacking passes, with 10.1 per match on average. Interceptions were about the same. The team made 48 block shots for 8 matches i.e. 6 per match. There were 243 repossessions on the home board (30.4 per match) and 120 repossessions on the opponent’s board (15 per match). The team repossessions totaled 363 for the championship (45.4 per match); and the team fouls amounted to 115 (14.4 fouls per match), with 85 opponent’s fouls provoked (10.6 per match).

It should be mentioned that the competitive performance tracking and analyzing toolkits applied in competitions of different levels may differ to a degree. Each of them, however, makes it possible for the coaches to timely fix and analyze the technical/ tactical performance elements, individual match performances, the players positions and repositioning on the field during the match, etc.


  • Thanks to the competitive performance (tactical/ technical actions) statistics produced by the new computerized Online Basket Statistical Data Processing System it is possible to track and analyze the strengths and drawbacks in the individual/ team competitive performance per match to make timely adjustments to the training process, set specific goals for the individual players and team on the whole, and improve the teamwork for success. 
  • The well-managed match competitive performance statistics data were appreciated by the teams and coaches as they substantiate the coaching decisions and, hence, improve the determination and responsibility in the teamwork.
  • The new computerized Online Basket Statistical Data Processing System is recommended for application by coaching teams for the teamwork control and management purposes during the matches and thereafter. It gives the means to effectively manage the team composition, set goals for individual players and apply attack and defense tools on a versatile and efficient basis.


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Corresponding author: kudryashov-e-v@mail.ru


Competitive performance is known to depend on multiple factors of the training and competitive processes – that are particularly challenging in the modern team sports due to the flows of players, frequent changes in the rules of competitions and many other things. We made an attempt in our study to address these issues by the competitive performance rating toolkit offered by a new basketball statistics processing software system. Sampled for the study were women basketball players (n=85) ranging in qualifications from Class III to Candidate Masters of Sport. Based on the study data and analyses we found the new basketball statistics processing system being beneficial for the practical competitive performance rating, training process design and management purposes. The multisided competitive performance statistics proved to improve the team performance control and management by the coaching team, better understanding of the game by each player, determination and responsibility in the teamwork. We recommend the new software for application in the training and competitive processes for timely corrections to the competitive performance.