Improved strength building method for mas-wrestling sport


PhD, Associate Professor M.I. Borokhin1
PhD, Associate Professor M.I. Sentizov1
Senior lecturer E.I. Savvinova1
1Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk

Keywords: mas-wrestler, strength building, deadlift, block lift, isometric press, training system, mas-wrestling.

Background. Ethnic mas-wrestling sport that has been traditional and popular in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) for many centuries has lately been recognized by the international sporting community and is being actively developed as demonstrated by the growing regional and national competitions, World Cups, European and Asian Championships and the other top-ranking international events. Mas-wrestling may be ranked among the most hard (strength- and willpower-intensive) sport disciplines. Training methods and models applied in elite mas-wrestling sports are rather traditional, with the special strength building methods and tools virtually unvaried with the competitive progress and training stages over annual training cycles. However, the mas-wrestling sport community has always been in need of new strength building methods and the relevant studies.

Objective of the study was to offer and test benefits of a new strength-building method for modern mas-wrestling sport.

Methods and structure of the study. The strength-building method testing experiment was run in November 2017 through May 2018. Sampled for the study were the 18-22 year old students of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University’s Mas-wrestling and National Sports Sub-department of the Physical Education and Sports Department in Yakutsk. Given in Table 2 and 3 hereunder are the strength fitness test rates of the Experimental and Control Groups (EG, CG); and Table 1 gives the new strength-building method schedule.

Table 1. 15-weeks-long strength-building schedule

Week 1


All-round strength trainings


Truncated pyramid method

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4


Full pyramid method

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7



Specific strength trainings


Weight building with the attempts cut down on a biweekly basis


Isometric training method

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Top weight test

Week 14

Rehabilitation week: eased trainings

Week 15



The first six weeks were assigned for the ‘all-round strength trainings’ designed as a strength building pyramid with the repetitions reduced and the weights increased in a stepped synchronized manner. The all-round strength trainings included two 3-week microcycles – truncated pyramid method (weeks 1-3) and full pyramid method (weeks 4-6). Such a pyramid implies the weight being added up by equal portions to the midpoint in the attempts and later on cut down in the same way to the initial weight.

In weeks 7-12 we increased the training process intensity and weights and reduced the attempts and repetitions on a biweekly basis for six weeks using the isometric training method at the same time. It implies the eased weights under 100% held for 15–40s till fatigue in three exercises: deadlift, bench press and leg press. Week 13 was assigned for the top weight tests to obtain the strength rates in the EG/ CG. And the last rehabilitation week 14 prior to the competitions was scheduled for the active relaxation practices. We used the traditional tests to rate the individual physical fitness: classical deadlift, bench press, and wrist dynamometry (total for both hands).

Results and discussion. Physical progress data of the EG and CG (10 people each) is given in Tables 2 and 3. The CG was trained by the standard training method and the EG was trained as required by the new strength training model of our design. The Tables give differences of the pre- and post-experimental test rates, arithmetic mean, standard deviations and average errors.

Table 2. Pre- versus post-experimental strength test rates: CG




























The test data showed the CG and EG making 2.86% and 5.35% progress for the experimental period in the strength tests, respectively.

Table 3. Pre- versus post-experimental strength test rates: EG




























Conclusion. The study data showed the CG and EG making 2.86% and 5.35% progress in the strength tests, respectively. The new strength-building method was proved highly beneficial as verified by the meaningful growth of strength test rates in the Experimental Group versus the Reference Group for the experimental period.


  1. Borokhin M.I. Ispolzovanie dvigatelnykh sredstv korennykh narodov Yakutii v fizicheskom vospitanii studentov [The use of motor means of indigenous peoples of Yakutia in physical education of students]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. 2012. no. 10. pp. 30–32.
  2. Sentizova M.I. , Guryeva A.V., Savvinova E.I., Barakhsina A.G. Povyishenie effektivnosti fizicheskogo vospitaniya v vuze na osnove analiza rezultatov fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti studentov-pervokursnikov [Academic physical education efficiency improvement based on first-year students’ physical fitness test data]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. 2018. no. 7. pp. 15–17.
  3. Cherkashin A.V., Borokhin M.I. Obshchaya fizicheskaya podgotovka yunoshey, zanimayushchikhsya mas-restlingom [General physical training of young men engaged in mas-wrestling]. Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. 2012. no.  5. pp. 46–48.

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Ethnic mas-wrestling sport that has been traditional and popular for many centuries in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) lately was recognized by the international sporting community. It is being actively developed as demonstrated by the growing regional and national competitions, World Cups, European and Asian Championships and the other top-ranking international events. Mas-wrestling may be ranked among the most hard (strength- and willpower-intensive) sport disciplines. Subject to the study was a new strength training method for modern mas-wrestling sport. Sampled for the study were the 18-22 year old students of the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University’s Mas-wrestling and National Sports Sub-department of the PES Department in Yakutsk. The new method offers extensive strength trainings in the first 6 weeks followed by a workload growth in weeks 7 through 12, with the weight being added and attempts being limited every two weeks (of the six-week period) as required by the isometric press method. Week 13 was dominated by the individual-maximum-weight trainings with the individual strength progress tests. And the ‘unloading’ week 14 was assigned for controlled precompetitive relaxation and muscle rehabilitation after the strength-intensive work. The new strength-building method was proved highly beneficial as verified by the meaningful growth of strength progress test rates in the Experimental Group versus the Reference Group.