Functional state of research yacht crew in conditions of Arctic expedition


Associate Professor O.G. Rysakova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: yachting, physical activity in the Arctic sea.

The aim of the study is to assess the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of yachtsmen in the conditions of the Arctic sea crossing.
Methodology and organization of the study. The scientific work was carried out on the research yacht "Alter Ego" in November 2018 during a yacht voyage lasting 8 days on the Norwegian sea in the Arctic circle. The study was attended by 10 people-participants of the transition: 4 people-crew members and 6 former athletes, the level of sports qualification-CMC and MS in parachuting, paragliding and Alpine skiing. Age of subjects-24-55 years.
The testing included daily blood pressure measurements, Martine samples, hypoxic gencha and Stange samples [1].
The results of the study and their discussion. The mean resting systolic pressure was 108.1±8.7 mmHg. diastolic-66±10.4 mm Hg. for example, the resting heart rate is 86±12.0 beats / min.
After performing standard physical activity (30 squats per 1 min), the following results were obtained: systolic blood pressure is 125.5±13.2 mm Hg. for example, diastolic blood pressure – 70.5±13.0 mm Hg. for example, the heart rate after the load was 106 ± 13.4 beats / min.
After 3 minutes of recovery: systolic pressure had an average value of 117.4±12.2 mmHg. diastolic pressure-70,3±12,4, the average heart rate is 87±7,4 beats / min. the Average results of hypoxic tests have the following indicators: the results of breath retention on the inhale (Rod test) – 80±9,2 s, on the exhale (gencha test) – 57±5,4 s.
During empirical observations, it was noted that when the sea waves 1-2 points, violations in the vestibular apparatus were recorded in 5 people (50.0%), who were mostly not permanent crew members.
Conclusion. In the conditions of the sea polar expedition there is a rapid and complete recovery of blood pressure. Heart rate indices both at rest and after recovery slightly exceed the norm, hypoxic indices exceed the average values of the norm, in the work of the vestibular apparatus violations occurred in 5 athletes.
All members of the expedition were functionally ready for activity in the conditions of the polar sea crossing in November.


  1. Boldov A. S. Monitoring of the physical condition of students of social University / A. S. Boldov, A. S. Makhov, L. Yu. Klimova / / Scientific notes of the University. P. F. Lesgaft. - 2015. - No. 5 (123).  Pp. 44-48.