Diagnostic Stage of individualized physical training of students


PhD, Professor S.M. Voronin1
S.A. Zverev2
1Yaroslavl Demidov State University, Yaroslavl
2Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: sport, students, physical training, physical qualities.

Introduction. Most of the students do not represent the characteristics of the professional activity they have chosen. The same applies to the knowledge of the role of physical culture and sports for the preparation of a person for various difficult life situations.
The aim of the study is to determine the attitude of students to physical training and sports and understanding the role of physical culture in professional activities.
Methodology and organization of the study. In the course of research, physical qualities such as speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and agility are highlighted as necessary in virtually all types of training.
In this regard, a model of personality-oriented physical training of students of non-core universities was developed, which includes the purpose, objectives and content of personality-oriented physical training of students, as well as such components as procedural and its components: motivational, operational and creative self-realization and criterion-evaluation components.
The relevance of the diagnostic stage of the study is the need to assess the results of the attitude of students to physical training and sports and understanding the role of physical culture in professional activity.
The results of the study and their discussion. The stage of initial diagnosis showed that most students do not consider physical qualities important in the development of future professional activities.
The data obtained indicate that there is practically no knowledge about personal qualities that can be formed during physical training and have an applied value both in social life and in professional activity of students. At the same time, according to students, the main personal qualities that can be formed during physical training, they believe: strong-willed qualities, commitment and determination.
Conclusion. The predominance of everyday level of knowledge of students over scientifically grounded in the idea of the role and importance of physical training, and hence, as a consequence, a neutral attitude to the process of physical training. The use of the proposed model of personality-oriented physical training of students of non-core universities will further actively form an idea of the importance of physical culture in the preparation of a successful competitive specialist.


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