Individualized education in academic physical education


PhD, Professor I.E. Korelskaya1
PhD, Professor I.A. Varentsova1
1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk

Key words: psychodiagnostics, individual psychological characteristics, young students.

Introduction. In contrast to the traditional approach to learning, focused on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, more and more important in modern physical education at the University acquires a personality-oriented approach to learning, allowing to maximize the abilities of the student [1].
The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of personality-oriented training in physical education of students at the University on the basis of the results of psychodiagnostic testing.
Methodology and organization of the study. The following methods were used to identify individual psychological characteristics of 3rd year students: assessment of style self-regulation of human behavior (V. I. Morosanova, E. M. Konoz), adapted questionnaire for the diagnosis of five personality factors (L. F. Burlachuk, D. K. Korolev).
The results of the study and their discussion. It is established that the main characteristic of the surveyed students is openness to experience and broad interests. In the section "five-Factor personal questionnaire" on the scale of "Openness to experience" revealed high indicators indicating an active attitude of modern students to the new and unusual. The subjects formed the need for conscious planning activities.
With the "Styles of self-regulation of conduct" on a scale of "Planning" the high rates indicate the need for the students to think about how their actions and behavior to achieve their personal goals. In General, the development and adequacy of the assessment of the subjects themselves and the results of their activities and behavior, as evidenced by the average values on the scale of "evaluation of results".
The leading style of self-regulation of behavior in the entire sample of students is "Flexibility". Respondents are able to restructure the system of self-regulation in connection with changes in external and internal conditions, during physical training. The flexibility of the regulatory framework allows to adequately respond to the introduction of modern training technologies and successfully solve the tasks in a risk situation.
The subjects were found to have the lowest indicators on the scale of "Programming" and "Modeling", which indicates a willingness to work only on the deployed and developed programs.
Conclusion. The application of personality-based learning in the physical education of students at the University showed the willingness of students to perceive everything new and unusual, as well as the "flexibility" that will help them adapt to learning.


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