Organizational and substantial structure of additional education program in physical education for students with musculoskeletal disorders


PhD G.B. Glazkova1
Postgraduate O.V. Mamonova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Keywords: students, deviations in health, physical education, additional educational program.

Introduction. Modern society is interested in competent young specialists, where the key to their successful life is good health [1]. However, today in universities about 50 % of students have different nosologies, which States the need to find additional approaches to physical education of young people to improve health.
One of the innovative approaches can be the introduction of additional education programs using information and communication technologies (ICT), allowing to continue education in the field of sports and recreation.
The aim of the study is to theoretically substantiate the organizational and content structure of the program of additional education of University students "correction of posture disorders by means of recreational physical culture".
Methodology and organization of the study. Within the framework of the project "Ecosystem of health in REU", an additional educational program "correction of posture disorders by means of health-improving physical culture" was developed on the basis of health-forming and information technologies. The program is aimed at the development of students of theoretical and practical material in the field of application of physical culture and health technologies.
The program provides independent work of students (theoretical and practical tasks) and is designed for 3 months (40 hours): the first month involves 2 classes per week for 60 minutes, the second and third months-3 classes per week.
The results of the study and their discussion. Organizational and educational activities of the program involves the use of information resources (presentations, video courses of remedial gymnastics, forums), which will allow students to master the methodological and theoretical material in their spare time at an individual pace.
Instructor-methodical support of sports and recreational activities during the implementation of the program involves the gradual development of practical sections on topics that creates an opportunity for students to repeat the entire course of the program autonomously. Each topic includes independent work using ICT to implement instructional and methodical tasks: search of the video (one exercise on the theme); teacher consultation about the appropriateness of exercises; step-by-step mastery exercises; training video exercise; training group. The supporting course of the program involves the preparation of an individual set of exercises.
Summary. Additional educational program "correction of posture disorders by means of health-improving physical culture" will enhance physical education and self-education of University students.


  1. Kondrakov G. B. Ecosystem of health in the modern University / G. B. Kondrakov, L. B. Andryushchenko / / Sustainable development: science and practice. - 2019. - No. 22.  Pp. 107-113.