Benefits of humanistic values of teaching dynasties for physical education specialist training purposes


Dr.Hab., Professor V.N. Irkhin1
Dr.Sc.Soc., Associate Professor V.B. Tarabaeva1
PhD I.A. Shumakova1
PhD A.A. Makhova1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Keywords: teaching dynasties, cultural process, humanistic values, future physical education specialists.

Background. Modern socio-cultural challenges of the national development process urge the educational sector to give a special priority to the axiological basics in the future physical education specialist training and personality development process. One of the ways to solve this problem during vocational training of students is to make use of the educational potential of value-based orientations [5; 6], experience and traditions of teaching dynasties, being the "golden pool" of the nation, since it is the axiological component that is the backbone in the personality structure of a teacher – the representative of a teaching dynasty: ideas of professional service and duty, destiny, altruistic love, distinctive social mission, value-based attitude to student’s personality, professional activities, etc.
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of humanistic values accumulated by teaching dynasties for the physical education specialist education service improvement purposes in the specialist training service at Belgorod State National Research University.
Results and discussion. The future physical education specialist training in the academic vocational training system is complicated by the lack of a theoretical model of the graduate’s competency in the State Educational Standard [2-4], as is rightly pointed out by F.I. Sobyanin et al. [1]. Educational experience has proven that this void is filled with university teachers’ attempts to present a generalized image of a master teacher to students at the empirical level, based on advanced pedagogical experience. During the execution of the research project on the history of teaching dynasties at the Belgorod State National Research University in 2018, a generalized profile of a teaching dynasty representative was formulated. This person is to be honest and decent, adhering to principles and responsible, selflessly serving education, ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of its ideas. Beautiful on the outside, fit and well-groomed, with an optimistic attitude, whose example one would like to follow. At the same time, this is a real professional who knows his subject perfectly, knows how to explain new things to students, manages to share all the information during the study and test achievements. The teaching dynasty representatives are united by a disinterested love for students, dedication to their work and a reverent attitude to their profession. In the Belgorod region, there are 22 teaching dynasties with a total number of 151 people. The Makhov dynasty is one of the largest: 10 people. The Faculty of Physical Education of Belgorod State National Research University has gained some experience in using the pedagogical heritage of the teaching dynasties. The Makhov teaching dynasty dates back over 250 years, and there has been formed a generalized image of a teacher as a representative of this glorious labor dynasty for over two centuries of its existence. Its members are characterized by the dominance of particular professionally significant and personal qualities making it possible to achieve professional success and public recognition. For instance, I.V. Makhov is the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation (2006), winner of the VII All-Russian competition "Master of pedagogical work in curricular and extracurricular types of health-and-fitness and sports activities" and other competitions; I.I. and V.I. Makhovs are the physical education teachers, candidates of pedagogic sciences, university workers, multiple winners of various professional competitions (V.I. Makhov - a laureate of the All-Russian contest "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2013", was among the 15 best teachers of Russia. I.I. Makhov - winner of the 2018 Greatest Teacher Contest within the framework of the national priority project "Education", etc.). The founders of the dynasty - G.S. Shalamov and N.P. Gladkikh - were the front-line teachers who went through the Finnish War and World War II and were awarded numerous medals. The Makhovs participated both in the post-war formation of schools in the Belgorod, Kursk and Kurgan regions, in the organization of the October, Pioneer and Komsomol movements, fitness and tourism activities (for example, E.G. Makhova (Shalamova) is the Exemplary Teacher of the Russian Federation with 43 years of service in the field of preschool education, M.G. Shalamova is the Exemplary Teacher of the USSR, Exemplary Teacher of the Russian Federation with 47 years of experience), and in the development of innovative educational technologies. Evaluation of the activity of the Makhovs’ teaching dynasty by such criterion as "similarities and differences in the representatives’ approaches and methods of work applied by different generations of teachers" indicates that it is great commitment for the professional service that is a common feature. "Teachers’ meetings" at home engage all their off-work time, including holiday events. For instance, they discuss lessons, academic achievements or problems related to participating in competitions, preparation for skills contests, uniforms, attributes of a tourist club, videos, competitive materials, etc. At some point, unique ideas are born. As for the differences, the senior Makhovs are very experienced and stereotyped; they are very careful and accurate in everything. The junior Makhovs try to actively introduce the latest innovations in pedagogical science and practice. The "new wave" has acquired the experience of the older generation, established traditions and, of course, faith in their profession.
The Makhovs have long been taking a fancy in tourism and involved the schoolchildren into this activity. 35 years ago, I.V. Makhov created a tourist club on the basis of Belgorod school No. 11 (the headmistress O.V. Makhova is the "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation", laureate of the All-Russian contest "Principal of the Year - 2017", who was among the 30 best teachers of the Russian Federation): it was given a symbolic name - "RazMAKH". The school team led by I.I. Makhov won the competition for the schoolchildren of the Central Federal District "Safety School – 2017", and in 2018 they took the second place in the competition among the juniors of the Central Federal District "Young Rescuer". The impact of the personality of talented teachers and adolescents they work with can hardly be overestimated. For example, V.I. Makhov (the head of the tourist club at the Dubovsk school in the Belgorod region) wrote over 100 bard songs and perfectly plays the guitar, which captivates his students. Most of the schoolchildren trained by the Makhovs get their first skills in playing the guitar as early as during the rallies and camping trips; further on, they start mastering this instrument on their own. In 2012, I.I. Makhov prepared the manual "Tourism at the physical education lessons", intended just for teachers who do not have tourist skills, but who would like to go hiking. In 2013, this program became the laureate of the X All-Russian contest of authors’ additional education programs for children and the award winner of the IX All-Russian contest of teaching aids to help organizers of tourism- and local history related activities, and guided tours operations. The Makhovs present their experience at the scientific and practical conferences of various levels, conduct open lessons, master classes, speak as experts, participate in methodical seminars held on the basis of the school as part of the activities of the Belgorod Institute of Education Development in the Physical Education discipline. I.I. Makhov, as a university teacher, introduces the students of the Faculty of Physical Education of BSRU to the new developments during the "Technology of Physical Education" classes. The potential of the humanistic values of teaching dynasties is used when working with freshmen as part of the following courses: "Introduction to the Profession", "History of Physical Education" (section 'Sport and physical education in the Belgorod region"), "Pedagogical Culture". Such courses as "Sports Tourism", "Theories and Principles of Physical Education", as well as extracurricular work with the students (primarily meetings with representatives of the dynasty), final qualification works of the students hold considerable potential in this aspect, too. About 30 annotated documents, including those deposited for permanent storage at the Museum of History of Belgorod State University, are instrumental in the work with the students: digital copies of the photographs, certificates, a summary of the physical education teachers’ experience, etc.), 4 videos ("The Way of the Makhovs", "Master class by I.I. Makhov", which introduces the communication games developed by the author and used in tourism), fitness-and-health work experience in school No. 11 in Belgorod, etc.). According to the students, getting acquainted with the educational experience of the dynasty has a strong emotional and motivating effect on them.
Conclusions. The dynasty mobilizing education service implies broad contributions from every actor (including students, educators, supervisors, department management and teaching dynasties) to the regular and off-class academic programs. Practical experience of the university shows that values and traditions of the teaching dynasties (with their principles, ideas, pioneering teaching experiences, practical accomplishments, archives etc.) shall be employed on the most efficient and integrated basis for the training, cultural, physical education, health, sporting, social, theoretical, practical, managerial and other purposes.


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Modern socio-cultural challenges of the national development process urge the education sector to give a special priority to the axiological basics in the future physical education specialist training and personality development process. The article analyzes benefits of humanistic values accumulated by teaching dynasties for the physical education specialist education service improvement purposes; considers the importance and nature of the humanistic values of teaching dynasties; and analyzes the practical experience of these values mobilizing to advance the PE specialist training service at BSRU. The article formulates a generalized profile of a teaching dynasty with its high professional mobility, competitiveness and viability as the social institution due to its highest professional standards, traditions, great commitment for the professional service and the high responsiveness to innovations in the education system. It was concluded that the dynasty mobilizing education service implies broad contributions from every actor (including students, educators, supervisors, department management and teaching dynasties) to the regular and off-class education programs. Practical experience of the university shows that values and traditions of the teaching dynasties (with their principles, ideas, pioneering teaching experiences, practical accomplishments, archives etc.) shall be employed on the most efficient and integrated basis for the training, cultural, physical education, health, sporting, social, theoretical, practical, managerial and other purposes.