Benefits of Sakha ethnic sports for physical progress in beginner judo trainings


PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Inozemtseva1
I.A. Popov1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Presently the national society gives a growing priority to physical education service viewed by many as the key tool for the national health programs. Since the new Federal State Education Standards were implemented in the school system, the physical education teachers have been looking for the physical education service customization for the schoolchildren with chronic health disorders. Objective of the study was to rate benefits of a special aerobic training model for physical progress of the 8-10 year old schoolchildren with health disorders. The model testing experiment was run in September 2017 through May 2018 at Voroshilov’s General Education School #27 in Tomsk. Sampled for the study were the 8-10 year olds (n=24) qualified by medical examinations with health group A (expressed compensation-stage functional/ organic health disorders) split up into Experimental and Reference Groups (EG, RG). The experimental training model offered mostly aerobic practices in the core part of every school physical education lesson, with the number of practices gradually growing up to 20 with the physical progress of the trainees. The new special aerobic training model was tested beneficial as verified by the growth of the Experimental Group motivations for the physical education lessons and physical progress tested by the explosive strength, wrist dynamometry, endurance, dexterity and hypoxic tolerance tests.

Keywords: schoolchildren, physical education service, health, physical education lesson design.


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