Vocational education culture building in bachelors of physical education service


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor M.M. Shubovich1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.M. Zakharova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor V.G. Shubovich1
1Ulyanovsk State University of Education, Ulyanovsk

Keywords: bachelor of physical education, vocational teaching culture, institutional and practical provisions for vocational teaching culture building process

Background. Modern national education system sets increasing requirements to physical education teacher’s vocational competences, skills, personality qualities including the spiritual and moral ones to secure high physical and mental fitness for the high-quality teaching service [8, 11]. Federal Law #273 ‘On Education Service in the Russian Federation’ defines the notion of vocational teaching culture as the product of the teacher’s self-fulfillment and self-development efforts within the relevant social and professional terms of reference and responsibilities in the teaching community, on the foundation of vocational competences, skills, qualities and humanistic values – making him/her highly comptent for the professional service to meet the demand of the state and society (as formalized by the relevant legal and regulatory framework for the integral teaching service) [10].

Presidential Degree #204 of May 7, 2018 ‘On the Naitonal Policy Goals and Strategic Mission of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2024’ underlines that the national demographic control program shall secure (y 2024) ‘facilitating provisions for mass physical education and sport with every popular group and stratum covered by the physical education and sport service…. and for due individual and communal motivations for healthy lifestyles including healthy diets and immunity to bad habits – facilitated, among other things, by highly professional teaching personnel plus the necessary sport service infrastructure for the mass sports and sport reserve trainings’ [9].

Objective of the study was to provide theoretical and practical basis for and test benefits of a new vocational teaching culture building model for bachelors of physical education.

Methods and structure of the study. Our study was governed by the vocational teaching culture interpretation offered by E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.V. Barabanshchikov, T.F. Belousova, I.F. Isaev et al. [2, 7] and amended is some aspects by A.V. Vilkovskaya, G.A. Vilensky, G.I. Zhelezovskaya, G.A. Kachan et al. [4, 6 et al.]. Some researchers (E.V. Bondarevskaya, T.F. Belousova, I.G. Vidt, A.I. Piskunov et al.) tend to consider vocational teaching culture prioritizing professional education service as securing new spiritual, ethical, aesthetical and professional standards for the teaching and culturing service [3 et al.].

Vocational teaching culture in the physical education teachers training process is considered, on the one hand, a basis for the general (legal, intellectual, spiritual, ethical, economic etc.) culture, and on the other hand, a vocational competency formation driver – that means that it facilitates both the theoretical and practical trainings and the physical education and sport service quality (with benefits for the physical education and sport teachers’ professional statuses and popularity of the profession). On the whole, vocational teaching culture of a physical education teacher will include the following components:

– Socio-cultural component with a highest communication culture, good interpersonal relations and synergy of the trainees, teachers and families, excellent delivery culture, teaching mastery, educational reflectivity etc.;

– Subjective component that implies high creativity, service  commitment, self-cultural agenda etc.;

– Spiritual and ethical component that refers to the teacher’s morale, ethics, teaching ethics, competitive ethics etc.; and

– Personality component including high competency, intelligence, intellectual progress [5].

The physical education teacher’s success in the interpersonal relationship building domain to breed an excellent teamwork and synergy in the classes – shall be ranked among the key indicators of the individual vocational teaching culture. It should be emphasized that a highly competent physical education teacher shall be perfectly capable to encourage the learning and physical progress not only in the regular classes and school sport groups but also in the mass sport events like the Health Days, sport festivals, competitions etc. The highly competent physical education teacher shall give a practical example for the trainees, particularly in the indivdidualized education service models where the teacher is expected to mobilize his/her authority and professional skills to facilitate the trainees’ self-development and self-perfection agendas [1].

Sampled for the new vocational teaching culture building model testing experiment were the first-year students (n=60) of Ulyanovsk State University of Education. The sample responded to a questionnaire survey formatted based on the Bondarevskaya and Belousova Self-diagnostics Card – that was primarily designed for the school teachers to help them test, analyze and rate the own vocational culture.

Results and discussion. We used a factorial analysis to prioritize modules of the Bondarevskaya and Belousova Self-diagnostics Card in application to the physical education bachelors, and found modules X5, X7, X11, X12 being the most informative for the pusposes of our experiment. These modules (that may be interpreted as the informative indicators consolidation fields) were used to classify the respondents into the following three clusters by the pre-experimental vocational teaching culture test levels (high, medium and low): Cluster 1 (107-109 points) tested with the high vocational teaching culture in every aspect and high commitment for further progress; Cluster 2 (88-106 points) tested with the average vocational teaching culture, with some aspects found underdeveloped, with the trainees reasonably committed for progress; and Cluster 3 (72-87 points) tested with the low vocational teaching culture with some its important aspects fully undeveloped and showing no commitment for professional progress in these and other aspects.

Table 1. Pre-experimental test data clusters, points

Cluster 1













R60 plus






Cluster 2








R56 plus






Cluster 3








R49 plus






It should be noted that the pre-experimental express questionnaire survey form was filled in by the respondents on their own followed by the survey data checked and analyzed by the Physical Education Department faculty.

The experiment was designed to include 3 stages. At stage 1 (pre-experimental tests), the sample responded to the questions, with 9 people (15%) of the sample classified with Cluser 1 as tested with the high vocational teaching culture; 36 people (60%) qualified with Cluster 2 (average vocational teaching culture); and 15 people (25%) making up Cluster 3 (low vocational teaching culture).

At stage 2 (vocational teaching culture building stage), the sample was split up into Experimental (EG, n=28) and Reference Groups (n=32), with the EG bachelor training system giving a special priority to the didactic methods to build up excellent vocational teaching culture including the following courses/ modules: special systemic Pedagogics; Culture and Intercultural Cooperation; Ethical Basics for Vocational Service; and Communication in Vocational Service modules. Each module offered a logical sequence of lectures and practical training sessions/ workshops with a special priority to the interpersonal communication culture development in the physical education teaching service. The EG trainings also included traditional and untraditional learning tools, with the academic progress testing/ scoring/ ranking system; case technologies; portfolios of the individual academic accomplishments etc. Neither of these tools and technologies was applied in the RG trainings – that were run in the traditional format.

At stage 3 (post-experimental tests and analysis), the EG versus RG progress was tested by the post-experimental express questioning survey: see Table 2.

Table 2. ER versus RG progress verified by the pre- versus post experimental vocational teaching culture test rates, %

Pre-experimental tests

Post-experimental tests

Vocational teaching culture level




















Conclusion. The new vocational teaching culture building model for bachelors of physical education was tested beneficial (due to the synergized eduction process design; special priority to the interpersonal relations; reasonable combination of traditional and untraditional education tools etc.) by the pre- versus post-experimental tests. The new educational provisions and vocational teaching culture building model is recommended for application in the physical education bachelor training curriculum to facilitate the theoretical and practical learning and develop excellent communication, managerial, data processing and analytical skills and help the trainees self-analyse and rate the own progress in the vocational teaching culture domain.


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Corresponding author: shubmm@mail.ru


The study analyzes the ways to build up vocational teaching culture in bachelors of physical education service in the academic study period; substantiates the need for the vocational teaching culture as a basis for general (legal, intellectual, spiritual, economic etc.) culture of the future physical education teachers.

The study demonstates the need for special provisions, training models and tools to develop the vocational teaching culture in bachelors in physical education to step up the cultural and personality developmental domains in the academic curricula, with the modern cultural and sporting values and priorities being accepted as a basis for vocational mastery and culture.