Personnel physical fitness tests in national law enforcement system


Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Ovchinnikov1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.S. Yakimovich2
Dr.Hab. I.L. Gross3
1Volgograd Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Volgograd
2Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd
3V.Ya. Kikotya Moscow University, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Moscow

Physical fitness for the service is ranked among the key professional qualities by the national law enforcement system. The article analyzes the issues of accuracy and relevance of the personnel physical fitness tests applied in the law enforcement system and Armed Forces. Our analysis of the test scales applied in the personnel physical fitness tests by the national law enforcement system and Armed Forces come in conflict with the test scales applied by the national civil physical education and sport system. That was the reason for us to offer a frame concept of the personnel physical fitness test scale for the service physical fitness rating purposes. The new sigmoid test scale was designed to prioritize the physical fitness progress in the middle section of the test data range and largely neglect the physical fitness progress extremities (very low and very high values). The test scale design will encourage the harmonized, multisided and sustainable physical fitness progress rather than its extreme manifestations.

Keywords: physical fitness, law enforcement personnel, military service personnel, physical fitness test scale.


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