Football for student communal cultures in south of Russia


Dr.Sc.Soc., Associate Professor E.V. Kargapolova3
PhD student S.V. Kargapolov2
Dr.Sc.Soc., Professor N.V. Dulina2
PhD Yu.G. Mironova1
1Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan
2Volgograd State University, Volgograd
3Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Modern sports are getting increasingly popular and accessible to evolve into one of the major social phenomena as they are increasingly appreciated for their personality socializing benefits that may be considered in two aspects: as the social technology with its clear hierarchy of rules and behavioral standards; and the social institution that shapes and builds up an individual social and professional status. Objective of the study was to analyze the role of football for the student communal cultures in the South of Russia – in Astrakhan and Volgograd. The study data were produced by the questionnaire survey ‘2018 FIFA World Cup: Youth Opinions and Ratings’ run by the Russian Society of Sociologists (RSS) in November-December 2017. Subject to survey and analysis were 4703 students from 60 universities in 25 cities, including 839 and 249 students from Volgograd and Astrakhan, respectively. The analysis found more than a half of the national sample being uninterested in modern professional football; whilst the Astrakhan student communal culture was found more football-centered than the Volgograd one. The finding may be explained by the areal specifics of the football interests and motivations, since the Astrakhan communal and student cultures are still dominated by the ‘countryside’ mentality with the relevant life agendas and priorities.

Keywords: sport, football, 2018 FIFA World Cup, sport interests, youth, students.


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