Modern academic sports system: institutional and management aspects


PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Fomina1
Dr.Sc.Hist., Professor I.M. Kornilova1
Postgraduate D.O. Chavkin1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

In the new millennium with its globalization and IT trends, sports are increasingly ranked among the most important and promising socializing tools for different social strata in Russia and the world over. The study analyzes the practical experience and success of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in building the modern academic sports system with a special attention to the institutional and management aspects of the physical education and sports service as illustrated by specific cases, including projects of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Student Sport Club; university sport infrastructure development projects; and optional sport services offered to the academic faculty and students. The study data and analyses give grounds to recommend the special physical education and sport service unit in charge of the governmental sports-prioritizing academic education projects being established to give a special priority to the physical education and sport service accessibility for the students and faculty; and to outline the most promising avenues for the academic physical education and sports service research in the context of the physical education service sportization policies and practices.

Keywords: physical education, physical culture, sports, sport system, sportization.


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