Ontokinesiological approach as priority progress avenue for modern sport science


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.A. Peredelsky1
Applicant A.A. Shlyakhtov1
Applicant O.Z. Ipatieva1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

History of the global sport science gives multiple records of great individual contributions being realized and acknowledged with time. The article analyzes the V.K. Bal’sevich’s research heritage in the context of the national and global sport science progress trends. The analysis demonstrates the promises, proved logics and benefits of the ontokinesiological approach in the physical education and sports research domain developed by V.K. Bal’sevich; and shows that the modern critical approach to the interdisciplinary theory of dynamic systems comes in conflict with the V.K. Bal’sevich’s ontokinesiological approach. Proponents of the critical approach still acknowledge that the ontokinesiological approach prioritizes evolutionary rather than revolutionary tools in a fairly traditional manner. It is important to underline in this context that the ontokinesiological approach considers physical activity as the socio-biological phenomenon that integrates endogenous and exogenous objects with their social and biological determinants with an emphasis on their social effects and physical education and sports role. Summarizing the analytical data, we would emphasize benefits of the V.K. Bal’sevich’s ontokinesiological approach for the modern physical education and sports service sportization concept since the OP resources are still largely untapped and only lately have been realized in the sport science progress analyses and forecasts.

Keywords: strategic plan, sportization concept, biologization, theory of dynamic systems.


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