Trampoline physical training model for children with autistic spectrum disorders


PhD, Associate Professor V.K. Klimova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.E. Pakhomova1
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Petrenko1
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Nikolaeva1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Child autism is presently ranked among top four most common child diseases and interpreted as a special mental development disorder due to some biological growth deficiency. Autistic spectrum disorders are associated with socializing problems including the verbal and nonverbal communication deficiencies, sensory processing challenges, habitual awkward behavioral models and poor physical progress rates. The article analyzes benefits of trampoline physical training (adaptive trampoline) model for children with minor and moderate autistic spectrum disorders. The trampoline model is dominated by trainings on an unstable surface designed based on the Teach Program and Self-concept with ergotherapy, somato-sensoric integration, game practices, adaptive physical practices and ABA trainings to secure progress in physical skills, balancing and movement coordination abilities and socializing qualities.
The trampoline physical training model was tested beneficial as verified by the children’s stable progress in the physicality test rates, with some tests showing meaningful progress; plus growths of the Romberger test rates indicative of the better vestibular balancing skills and proprioception – of influence on the body imaging patterns. Every child was tested by experts with progress in the pre- versus post- trampoline training tests, increased interest in the practices, and the better socializing qualities noted also by the families and trainer.

Keywords: autistic spectrum disorders, trampoline trainings, adaptive physical culture, ergotherapy, somato-sensoric integration .


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