Benefits of prevention/ rehabilitation physical training model for children and adolescents with scoliosis


Dr.Biol., Professor A.P. Shklyarenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor T.G. Kovalenko2
PhD D.A. Ulyanov2
1Kuban State University, Slavyansk-on-Kuban branch
2Volgograd State University, Volgograd

Scoliosis is ranked among the most severe musculoskeletal system diseases. Objective of the study was to rate benefits of a prevention/ rehabilitation physical training model for children and adolescents with stage I/II scoliosis. Sampled for the 7-year study at the Children Orthopedic Sanatorium in Gelenjik were the 8-16 year-old girls (n=241) and boys (n=142) diagnosed with stage I/II scoliosis. The spine flexibility was tested by the Levit, Zahse and Yanda test method to produce the bending/ extension/ rotation test rates; with the flexibility data classified as А – (subnormal) hypo-mobility; B – normal mobility; and C – (supernormal) hyper-mobility. The movement asymmetry was rated by special video-recorded tests exercises. The study data were used to analyze benefits of the genetic motor resource mobilizing and prevention/ rehabilitation physical training for the health group to effectively compensate the motor disorders and facilitate progress of the growing body. The model was tested to generally activate and correct the most critical everyday motor skills (walking, postural controls etc.) and level down to a degree the scoliosis-specific disorders in the static and dynamic motor functionality. The model revises the traditional orthopedic prohibitions to extend the range of applicable physical training tools and effectively correct the visual bodily distortions, stabilize the postures, cater for the natural demand of this age group for physical activity and mitigate the body reshaping related mental stressors.

Keywords: physical education, scoliosis, physical exercises, posture, motor activity, spine functionality.


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