Military academy faculty’s physical education design and management service: success factors


Dr.Hab., Professor R.M. Kadyrov1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Blakhin1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.E. Smirnov2
PhD A.N. Chirgin1
1Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg Petersburg
2North-Western Branch of Russian State University of Justice, St. Petersburg

The study analyzes the military academy faculty’s physical education service success factors in the physical education design and management domains. The authors used a responsibility (functionality) structure analysis to find correlations, roles and weights of the structural components. A factorial analysis showed that the modern mass sport service plays a growing role in the physical education management service of the academic physical education faculty and is ranked among the key responsibilities of the latter. On the one hand, the finding underlines that the mass sport management competencies shall be given a special priority by the professional physical education system; and on the other hand, it shall be considered a special service field that requires special management skills being trained in the specialists. On the whole, the study data and analyses helped summarize the management skills claimed by the modern mass sport events; and outline the research tools needed to prioritize the physical education design and management skills and the physical education service success factors. It should be mentioned that the mass sport design and management service may be successful only when the physical education specialists are equipped with universal and versatile skills and competences customizable to the practical needs and challenges.

Keywords: management, physical training, physical education specialists.


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