Biomechanical criteria application for elite weightlifters’ technical mastery excelling systems and progress tests


Dr.Hab. I.P. Sivokhin1
Professor, PhD V.F. Skotnikov2
PhD N.A. Ogienko1
Associate Professor, PhD A.I. Fedorov3
I.A. Shilov1
1Kostanay State Pedagogical University, Kostanay, Kazakhstan
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
3South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

The present study analyzes benefits of a modern biomechanical test model to rate progress of elite weightlifters’ in the technical mastery excelling systems with a special priority to the factors of influence on the technical perfection; with the model benefits tested by a two-stage experiment. In the first stage, subject to the video captures and analyses were the Kazakhstan national weightlifting team members (n=13, including 8 males and 5 females) competing in the 2013 World Universiade in Kazan. At the second stage, sampled for a special study were athletes from group 1 (n=5, including 1 male and 4 females). At the first stage, we identified the key factors of the weightlifting to the chest with the relevant movement biomechanics and used these data to develop a new technical excelling model and test it by experiment. The biomechanical test model to estimate progress of elite weightlifters was found beneficial as verified by the sample progress in a variety of the classical jerk technique efficiency rates and the competitive accomplishments in the World Championships, Asian and Olympic Games.

Keywords: weightlifting, weight lifting to chest, biomechanical tests, technical excelling.


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