Mathematical computerized modeling of daily healthy thermal homeostasis


Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Tsyganov1
Dr.Sc.Phys.Math., Professor Y.V. Tsyganova2
Associate Professor, PhD I.V. Stolyarova1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk
2Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to revise the existing mathematical computerized models of daily thermal homeostasis in healthy individuals; and offer a new mathematical model classifiable with the discrete linear stochastic systems addressing the state space with unknown inputs and noisy measurements. The model state vector includes tests of the body temperatures in discrete moments, with mesor viewed as the unknown input. For the body temperature and mesor computations, we applied an optimal discrete filtering algorithm with the state vector and unknown input being estimated simultaneously. We developed application software in MATLAB for computerized modeling of the temperature curves and test process and for optimal estimates of parameters of the mathematical model. The study findings may be applied to analyze the daily thermal homeostasis in healthy individuals.

Keywords: thermometry, thermal homeostasis, discrete linear stochastic system, optimal discrete filtering, MATLAB.


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