Expert examination of PhD and doctoral theses in 13.00.04 physical education, sport training, rehabilitative and adaptive physical education theory and practice submitted in 2018


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2019

Dr.Hab., Professor A.A. Gorelov1
Dr.Hab., Professor B.N. Shustin2
1St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
2Federal Scientific Center of Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow

The national research community shows a growing interest in findings of the PhD and doctoral theses on the physical education theory, sport training systems, professional applied physical education and the rehabilitative and adaptive physical education in the context of the new requirements of the Supreme Attestation Commission to research projects. The study analyzes the physical education and sport-related theses submitted in 2018 to the Supreme Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF for consideration by the pedagogy and psychology expert teams. It was found that most of the 2018 theses have addressed different issues of the physical education and sport theory and practice; and the professional applied physical education theory and practice including that for the military academies. In much shorter supply for the period were the dissertations with concern to fundamental issues of the general physical education theory; and the adaptive PE theory and practice. It was also found that some dissertations were irrelevant in their topics to the key educational missions of the universities where they were listed for defense.

Keywords: thesis work, research specialty, doctoral thesis, PhD thesis.


  1. Baranov V.N., Shustin B.N. Tematika i kolichestvenny analiz dissertatsionnykh issledovaniy po fizicheskoy kulture i sportu, vypolnennykh v 2015 godu [Theses on physical culture and sports published in 2015: topics and quantitative analysis]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. 2016. no. 9. pp. 94-97.
  2. Baranov V.N., Shustin B.N. Tendentsii razvitiya dissertatsionnykh issledovaniy v sfere fizicheskoy kultury i sporta v nashey strane [Development trends in domestic physical educaton and sports theses]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki. 2018. no. 6. pp. 65-70.
  3. Gorelov A.A., Podlipnyak Yu.F., Shustin B.N. Ob ekspertize dissertatsionnykh rabot po spetsialnosti 13.00.04 – «Teoriya i metodika fizicheskogo vospitaniya, sportivnoy trenirovki, ozdorovitelnoy i adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kultury» v 2016 godu [Examination of theses in 13.00.04 - “Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, recreational and adaptive physical education” in 2016]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki, 2017. no. 3. pp. 58-62.