Physical training and health services to young families at family sport clubs



PhD G.S. Titova1
Master's student Yu.I. Shilova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

The article analyzes the demand of young families for the modern physical education and health services; offers a range of social and educational provisions for the physical education and health services provided by family clubs; and outlines the mission and goals of such family physical education and health services and their options. The study included a questioning survey of young families to analyze their attitudes to the family physical education and health services. The questionnaire survey data were used to identify and rank preferences of the young families for the physical education and health service formats – such as family sport festivals, acupuncture, physical education and health practices, the consulting services to families on the physical education and health and healthy lifestyles related matters etc. It was found that every family attending a family club appreciates the physical education and health services, and most of the respondents reported attending the physical education and health trainings on a habitual basis. It was concluded that the physical education and health services provided by family clubs are highly important for the family life; support the physical education and health and healthy lifestyle agenda of the children and parents; help them progress in the physical education and health and healthy lifestyle knowledge, skills and habits; and facilitate the children’s development in these domains.

Keywords: young families, family club, physical education and health activity, Physical Education, healthy lifestyle.


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