Benefits of women’s recreational gymnastics model for sport veterans



T.A. Danilenko
Ural State University of Physical Culture and Sport, Chelyabinsk

The study analyzes benefits of a women’s recreational gymnastics model for the 45-55 years old sport veterans. The study was run at Chelyabinsk Municipal Center of Sport Veterans, with two groups of 45-49 and 50-54 year-old women sampled for the women’s health gymnastics model tests as qualifiers for the Class 8 and Class 9 GTO Complex tests, respectively. The self-reliant recreational gymnastics model was individualized for the trainees, particularly for the still working (45-55 year old) women whose trainings were agreed with the work schedules. Based on the recreational gymnastics model theory and practice, the authors offered a set of aerobics, health, strength and stretching exercises, with each session including the warm-up, joint gymnastics, postural corset conditioning and stretching components. Every sport veteran was offered a customizable age- and fitness-specific set of exercises for the self-reliant trainings with a special emphasis on the health issues. The study data and analysis showed benefits of the women’s health gymnastics model, particularly for the self-reliant health and conditioning trainings..

Keywords: recreational gymnastics, aging, disease prevention, sport veterans, physical exercises, competitions.


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