Training process customizing to modern competitive performance trends



Associate Professor, PhD M.M. Polishkis
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to make a theoretical analysis of the training systems versus the competitive performances in modern football. The study analyzed some of the game design and control elements of the leading football clubs to underline that they are attained by serious revisions to the standard training systems.
It was further emphasized that the modern trends in the football training systems are largely driven by the growing competitive performance standards as demonstrated by the practical experiences of the leading football clubs. The developments in the training systems are largely dictated by the match situations and experiences of the national teams analyzed by the expert communities on the relevant global and continental forums. It should be well understood, however, that the modern training trends versus the competitive performances of the leading teams should be viewed rather as the reference progress avenues than the real goals – since the attempts to mechanically and indiscriminately mimic such training systems of the best football clubs by the teams having different competitive environments and experiences – may be as counterproductive as insensitivity to them.

Keywords: trends, competitive and training processes, game control, analysis, planning.


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