New managerial and technological solutions to improve refereeing service quality in dance sport



Associate Professor, PhD N.F. Singina
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

The article analyzes the key reasons for the still poor quality of refereeing service in the modern dance sport competitions including: (1) the still loose refereeing service control/ management system in competitions; and (2) reluctance to apply modern technologies for success of the refereeing service. To correct the drawbacks, the authors offer the following managerial solutions: (1) introduce an individual refereeing service quality rating system applicable in every competition; (2) complement the refereeing crews with a deputy chief referee for the service quality assurance; (3) take steps to eliminate the potential biased scores and balance the scoring system; (4) introduce limitations for the individual refereeing service periods in competitions; and (5) rank the competing couples in the final protocols based on the total scores rather than the last-session scores only.
In addition, the authors analyzed the potential benefits of new technical tools applied nowadays in many other sport disciplines – that may be used to improve the refereeing service quality in modern dance sport; and recommend that at least the following of them should be broader applied in the dance competitions: video records and replays; technical/ artistic performance rating technologies with a special emphasis on the counts of technical elements, covered distance, linear/ angular/ maximal movement speeds; performance staging and stage performance analyses; and the individual functionality ratings and analyses based on the linear/ angular/ maximal movement speed data.

Keywords: competitive performance, dance sport, refereeing service, managerial solutions.


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