Ways for higher education system to meet demand for sportizated school physical education service specialists



Associate Professor A.G. Polivaev1
A.V. Shabanov1
S.S. Stoycheva1
I.A. Polivaeva1
1Tyumen State University, Ishim Pedagogical Institute n.a. P.P. Ershov (branch) TSU, Ishim

The study analyzes the demand for the modern sportizated school physical education service specialists and their supply by national pedagogic and physical education universities, with the higher education curricula of 650 Russian universities analyzed to sample the universities that train the pedagogical education specialists majoring in physical education and relevant disciplines. We believe that the higher physical education system still gives little attention to the demand from the national general education schools for the top professional physical education specialists knowledgeable and skillful in the modern sportization technologies and tools to accumulate positive experiences and disseminate them across the country. This is the reason why we underline the need in the physical education specialist training system being improved to include the relevant competency building modules with a special emphasis on the modern sports-prioritizing technologies and tools. The problem may be solved by the initiatives to develop and implement special master training/ advancement curricula focused on the modern sportization technologies and tools.

Keywords: higher education system, sportization, education curricula, specialist training.


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