Modern family and healthy lifestyle



PhD D.A. Ulyanov
Volgograd State University, Volgograd

Public health is commonly ranked nowadays among the key criteria of the social wellbeing on the whole and the children and youth wellbeing in particular. The article analyzes the healthy lifestyle formation ways for the junior family members. Objective of the study was to analyze the available theoretical and practical literature on the family role in the youth healthy lifestyle formation process. Individual health agendas and healthy lifestyle formation ways are normally determined by rather the environment than the personal values and priorities, with families often playing the key role in the healthy lifestyle development process. Family shall be viewed as the key socializing institute that may effectively encourage healthy behaviors and discourage the unhealthy ones in young people. Family influences are critical for the health agendas, healthy lifestyle and physical development standards of the young people .

Keywords: family, children, health, healthy lifestyle, unhealthy habits, physical practices.


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