Benefits of national training program for 6-8 year-old beginner ice-hockey players



K.S. Napalkov
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to test by experiment benefits of the National Training Program in application to 6-8 year-old beginner ice-hockey players in the mass ice-hockey system. Sampled for the experiment were the 6-8 year-old beginner ice-hockey players (n=42) qualified for the sport-and-health group and split up into Experimental (EG, n=20) and Reference (RG, n=22) Groups. The RG was trained as required by the standard beginner ice-hockey training curricula; and the EG was trained as required by the National Training Program in application to ice hockey. Progress of the sample was rated by a set fitness tests, competitive success rates and expert valuations. The tests were compliant with the Federal Sport Training Standards for ice hockey and the relevant all-round/ special physical fitness standards for qualification to the beginner sport groups. The pre- versus post-experimental progress of the sample was tested, among other things, by the test on/off-ice matches to rate benefits of the National Training Program in application to junior ice hockey; plus expert valuations of the test exercises during the training sessions. The training model was found beneficial as verified by the EG versus RG meaningful (р<0.05) progress in the pre- versus post-experimental tests in the physical fitness rates, technical skill valuations and competitive success rates.

Keywords: mass sport, National Training Program, junior ice hockey players, active games, ice hockey.


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