CYSS coach’s service description and responsibilities



PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Elmurzaev1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Pakholkova1
PhD Yu.V. Yakovlev2
1Saint Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
2Military Academy of Communications, St. Petersburg

Analysis of the practical and empirical study data shows that the professional competence and skills of the CYSS coaches are still short of the modern requirements to the junior training systems. One of the reasons for this situation is that the Physical Education specialist education service offered by the academic Physical Education specialist education system lags behind the modern training standards for the relevant specialists and largely fails to meet the personality needs and agenda and social demand for the special Physical Education services. The article makes an attempt to outline the CYSS coach’s service description and responsibilities.
It should be mentioned that the modern Physical Education theory and practice is in the process of transition from the traditional job descriptions and standards to the new ones – in the context of the ongoing evolution of the socio-cultural demand for the Physical Education service. The socio-cultural determinants for the CYSS coach’s service with detailed job responsibilities need to be taken into account by the Physical Education system. We believe that the socio-cultural aspects of the CYSS coach’s service will be ranked among the core and potentially most productive drivers by the specialist training systems – albeit they are still largely non-addressed at this juncture.

Keywords: job description and functions, trainer-instructor, physical activity, responsibility, socio-cultural aspect of teaching service.


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