Teacher's health-protection competency methodology within interdepartmental interaction


PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Chedov
Perm State National Research University, Perm

In the study the author developed and substantiated a regional system of teacher continuing education meant to increase their competency for health-protection activities and to building students' health culture, which includes the following forms of professional competency mastering: advanced training courses, professional skill contests, methodical and research-practical conferences , permanent seminars, workshops, remote and in-person consultations, scientific and methodical support of innovative teaching activities, management of the teachers' association. The author comes to the conclusion that the teachers' health-protection competency level should be increased continuously by integrating activities of various municipal and regional institutions within the framework of interdepartmental interaction. Summarizing the theoretical ideas presented in the article about building the teachers' health-protection competency in the context of interdepartmental interaction, the author emphasizes that the health of the younger generation depends largely on the professionalism of the teachers. At the same time, a teacher needs not only to possess knowledge of health, health-protection technologies, personal health culture building methods, but also to implement the values of health culture in his life, which is one of the most important factors for the successful formation of the students' healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: younger generation, teacher, health-protection competency, system, activity and resource approaches.


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