Sensitive periods in schoolchildren’s physical development in Kalmykia Republic


PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Petrova1
PhD E.N. Kaldarikov2
PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Bakulina1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Kalmyk State University n.a. B.B Gorodovikov, Elista

During the school period, the structures and functions of the students' bodies are formed heterochronically and unevenly. The stages of ontogenesis are interrelated and the foundations of the subsequent stage are laid within the previous one. Critical periods are the key points of ontogenesis and are characterized by an increase in the body's sensitivity to environmental factors. In the article the authors analyze sensitive periods in the physical physical development in schoolchildren versus their body types. It was found that the physical development process in the 7-17 year olds is age-, body-type and biological-progress-stage-specific, heterochronic and dependent on the sensitivity periods. Those with the asthenoid and thoracic body types were tested with intensity of the sensitivity periods growing with age, in contrast to the trainees with the muscular and digestive body types tested with the relative falls in intensity. Stability of the test rates was found to vary depending on the age, gender and body types, with the highest integral stability of physical qualities and skills tested in the testees with the thoracic body type followed by those with muscular, asthenoid and digestive body types. Male subgroups were tested with the high stability of physical skills than the female ones. The authors offer a special set of tests to rate the physical qualities in the age groups including: 30m sprint, standing long jump, standing high jump, stuffed ball throw and PWC170 tests. The tests customizable to the sensitivity periods in the physical development give the means to control and manage the physical and technical training process and effectively individualize the standard school physical education service.

Keywords: trainees, physical qualities, motor skills, stability, body type, educational process.


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