Individualized motivations-sensitive adaptive academic physical education


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor T.K. Kim1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.N. Shulyatev1
1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

As follows from the special literature the number of students attributed to special health group for health reasons increases every year, which actualizes the problem of forming the need for self-reliant physical practices for students with disabilities, the use of the whole range of specific physical education tools for healthy lifestyle promotion, personal health improvement and optimization of the motor regime. The study overviews findings in the academic adaptive physical education and self-education improvement domain; with a special priority to the personally important values of the students with health impairments to facilitate progress in the academic physical education service for this health group. The authors offered a new adaptive axiological education model sensitive to the personality values and priorities to motivate students for the individualized physical education with health protection and improvement agendas and components. The practice-prioritizing adaptive education sensitive to the individual motivations and priorities in the physical education domain was found beneficial as it helped the health group effectively adapt to the physical education, physical activity and everyday life of the student community.

Keywords: physical education, students with health impairments, education material, reflection, self-education, practice-prioritizing approach.


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