Digital educational information service for physical education at humanities university


Dr.Hab., Professor A.A. Somkin1
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Lyashenko1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Konstantinov1
1St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television, St. Petersburg

The present article analyzes benefits of a digital educational information service implemented at the Physical Education Department at Saint Petersburg State Institute of Cinematography and Television. The digital educational service with its distance educational technologies has proved beneficial for the self-reliant learning in the theoretical and practical education and sport trainings, particularly for building the informational/ educational/ communicational competences in the teacher-student and coach-trainee communication and cooperation formats.
As a result of the study, the authors developed the following: Moodle-based distance education technology with a course of lectures and physical education and sports progress scoring and rating tests; digital practical recommendations on how the self-reliant learning course may be designed on an individualized basis in Full, Light and Recommended Literature formats; and offered the educational information database with the digital textbooks and videos to facilitate progress in the key academic physical education and sports disciplines including martial arts.

Keywords: Physical Education Department, Moodle-based digital education service, distance education, digital textbooks and videos.


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