Benefits of golf practices for physical progress of female students


PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Korolkov1
V.G. Chebin2
V.B. Anisimov3
A.V. Bereza3
1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Golf Club "Eagle Hills", Krasnoyarsk
3Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

The article analyzes the multiannual study data on benefits of golf practices for physical progress of female students at Siberian Federal University in Krasnoyarsk. Physical fitness of the 18-20 year old sample was tested for five semesters, with the test data processed by the descriptive statistic tools and analyzed by the correlation/ factorial/ cluster analyses. The study data and analyzes have demonstrated benefits of the golf practices as verified by the physical progress of the sample in a variety of physical and movement coordination qualities and skills. The multiannual golf practices were found to shape up the specific physical fitness with its high flexibility, strength and speed indices plus special physical qualities critical for the competitive success in the game. It was found beneficial to have the sample grouped into the stage-specific clusters based on specific physical fitness tests. Such clustering facilitates the physical training systems being effectively customized to the actual physical fitness and progress paths of the groups.

Keywords: women's sport, academic sports, individualizing, physical qualities, cluster analysis, health.


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