Psychological and educational support service to chess players with health impairments in trainings and competitions


PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Mikhaylova
Russian State Social University, Moscow

The study analyzes and offers psychological and educational support service model to the chess players with health impairments in trainings and competitions in the mass and elite chess sports. The authors analyzed the valid legal and regulatory framework for the adaptive chess sport; and summarized the best practical experience of the psychological and educational support service to chess players with health impairments accumulated by the online Chess Planet system; Alexeyevsky and Yuzhnoportovy local sport service centers in Moscow; Psycho-neurological Boarding School #24 in Moscow; and the Russian State Social University. The study data and analyses made it possible to: (1) Outline the key design logics for the psychological and educational support service to chess players with health impairments; (2) Develop a frame psychological and educational support service model customizable to the individual diagnoses and training/ competitive needs of the group; (3) Offer sets of tests and correction tools for the psychological and educational support service to chess players with health impairments applicable in the national mass and elite chess sports; and (4) Overview the ways to improve efficiency of the psychological and educational support service to chess players with health impairments.

Keywords: adaptive chess sports, adaptive chess training system, psychological and educational support service, test technology.


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