Psychological security at sport excellence stage


PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Maidokina1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Kokurin1
PhD O.V. Kudashkina1
PhD M.Yu. Treskin1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk

Training systems in modern sports give a special priority to the psychological conditioning components that are generally designed to develop high stress tolerance and facilitate competitive progress. The growing global competitiveness and the increasingly unfair attitudes of the international sport organizations to the Russian sports require the psychological support service to national athletes being further stepped up. The national sport elite suffer from the negative attitudes on the global arenas. The multiple sanctions from the international sport organizations expose the athletes to serious stressors that may undermine their competitive success motivations and athletic spirit. Objective of the study was to analyze requirements to the modern psychological security and test benefits of a new Psychological Security in the Sport Excellence Stage Program. The study was designed to first test the primary psychological security levels in the study group; then develop and implement the Psychological Security in the Sport Excellence Stage Program; and test group at in the final stage of the study to rate benefits of the Program.

Keywords: psychological safety, psychological stressor, mental health, sport excellence stage, trainings, competitive performance, mental self-control.


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