Video captures and mathematical modeling to rate horizontal forces in snatch sequence


PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Khasin1
PhD S.B. Buriyan1
1Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Moscow

An important element of the weightlifter technique analysis is determining the force of the interaction between an athlete and the grip. Objective of the present study was to offer a computation method to estimate horizontal forces in the classical snatch sequence with account of the grip elasticity. The authors applied mathematical modeling tools and a filtration algorithm for the study purposes; the elastic line equation as a basis for the mathematical model; and video captures to mine the data for the model. Sampled for the study were elite weightlifters whose techniques were tracked with a special attention to the grip bounce on the thighs. The video captures were used to profile the grip track, speed and acceleration rates and produce the mathematical model with the grip contact points and thigh movement sequence. An elastic beam model with the moving rest points (thighs) was used to compute the horizontal force applied by the athlete to the grip: it was estimated at 195.5kg. The maximal grip bounce was found to reach 0.07m, with the high bounce found to increase the probability of success.

Keywords: biomechanics, grip elasticity, weightlifting, grip bounce.


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