Competitive mental adaptation in cyclic sports


PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Kuzmin1
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Zarodnyuk2
M.N. Larionova2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

The article analyzes the issues and promises of the differential sport psychology, a new research discipline; considers competitive mental conditioning tools applicable in the cyclic sports; offers a set of the individual competitive adaptability rating criteria for sports on the whole the cyclic sports in particular; and analyzes benefits of a new competitive mental adaptation model that applies the subjective and objective sets of factors and criteria. The objective competitive adaptability factors include the competitive conditions and social traits of the athletes; and the subjective competitive adaptability factors include the emotional balancing, volitional and motivational personality qualities, plus the motivations-specific missions. Furthermore, the article offers the sets of subjective and objective adaptation criteria. The subjective adaptation criteria generally include the competitive environment assessments; prestart mental conditions; and the competitive success forecasts; and the objective adaptation criteria generally include the intellectual capacity rate and competitive adaptability rate. The study data on the competitive adaptability in cyclic sports may be beneficial for the precompetitive and competitive mental conditioning technologies and tools.

Keywords: differential sport psychology, cyclic sports, mental adaptation, competitive conditions, personality qualities, motivation.


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