Vocational education culture building in bachelors of physical education service


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor M.M. Shubovich1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.M. Zakharova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor V.G. Shubovich1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

The article analyzes one of the top priority issues of the academic physical education service – that is the service customizing for special health groups to cultivate habitual healthy lifestyles and secure physical progress of the students with health impairments. When the special health group students are exempted from physical training lessons, they get into a vicious circle, since the body still needs physical activity for health on the one hand, albeit is exposed to physical regress due to the shortage of physical activity on the other hand. The study offers an academic physical education service individualizing algorithm that may be described as the closed cyclic course including the following five modules: (1) test module to rate the students’ physical fitness and health; (2) informational module that secures the learning process being supported by practical guides and theoretical materials for each student to understand the own health issue and the potential physical progress options; (3) goal-setting module to formulate the individual physical education process goals with account of the health issues; (4) practical activation module that offers customizable sets of physical exercises to advance one or another physical quality, with recommendations on daily regimes, diets, ways to correct negative addictions and prevent diseases; and (5) the progress test module to accumulate and analyze the individual progress test data. The academic physical education service individualizing algorithm for healthy lifestyle was found beneficial as verified by the meaningful group progress in the physical fitness and health test rates, plus improvements in the mental and emotional states.

Keywords: monitoring, correction, physical health, mental/ emotional state, express tests, individualized approach, individual training programs.


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