Motility correction and motor skills development model for preschoolers with intellectual retardations


Dr.Hab., Dr.Sc.Psychol., Professor A.B. Serykh1
Dr.Hab., Professor E.I. Mychko1
L.F. Buksha1
1Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad 

The article analyzes benefits of a motility correction and motor skills development model for preschool children with intellectual retardations; and considers the notion of intellectual retardation in the context of the mental and physical issues faced by oligophrenic preschoolers. The motility correction and motor skills development model was tested on a sample of 20 mentally retarded children from the Special Child Rehabilitation Center in Kaliningrad city. The progress of the testees was tested by the following tests: fingers mobility test; graphical skills and movement accuracy L.A. Vagner test version; coordination ability testing 3x10m shuttle run test; static balancing skills test; ball handling tests (floor striking and throw-and-catch tests); bending on a bench test; clinostatic test; and V.V. Gorinevskaya test.
The sample was tested with meaningfully low test rates in every test, with the most serious retardations found in the dynamic/ static balancing, muscular coordination and movement harmonizing/ differentiating ability tests. Preschool children diagnosed with severe intellectual retardations are normally free of severe motor dysfunctions albeit in 100% of the cases they are tested with meaningful disorders in the physical qualities tests including agility, strength, speed, endurance and balancing skills tests.

Keywords: preschool child, intellectual retardation, olygophrenia, motor skill, physical development.


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