Effects of metabolic ergogenic agents on sprinters’ anaerobic performance rated by kinetic criteria


Dr.Biol., Professor R.V. Tambovtseva1
PhD, Associate Professor J.L. Voytenko1
E.V. Pletneva1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the present study was to test benefits of natural beta alanine amino acid administration on the anaerobic performance of highly skilled sprinters, with the model testing experiment run at the Muscular Activity Bioenergy Laboratory of the N.I. Volkov Sports Biochemistry and Bioenergy Department. Sampled for the study were highly skilled sprinters (n=22) split up into Experimental (EG, n=10) and Reference (RG, n=12) Groups. The Experimental Group administered 6g of beta alanine per day for 14 days; and the Reference Group administered placebo (microcrystal cellulose). The anaerobic work efficiency was rated by the following standard tests: maximal anaerobic efficiency (MAE) test by cycle ergometer Е894 (made by Monarch company); and Wingate test of the lactate glycolytic capacity rated by the lactic acid concentration in blood in the quiescent state and after training.
The test data showed benefits of the beta-alanine administration course as verified by the Experimental Group progress in the maximal work and fatigue tolerance rates. The finding gives the reasons to believe that the agent effectively controls fatigue – probably due to the faster diffusion of lactic acid in blood.

Keywords: amino acid, beta alanine, anaerobic performance, bionenergy, muscular activity, maximal alactate work efficiency, lactate glycolytic capacity.


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