Excellence group rowers’ ambitions rating tests


PhD, Professor T.V. Mikhaylova1
A.S. Tsutskova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to rate competitive ambitions of the excellence group rowers. Sampled for the study purposes were the 15-18 year-old rowers (n=20 including 15 males and 5 females) from the Tver Municipal Competitive Rowing School. Applied for the study purposes was the V.K. Gerbachevsky Questionnaire Survey form and the key components method; with the survey data processed by the standard mathematical statistics tools. The V.K. Gerbachevsky survey was used to test the trainees’ competitive motivations, values and priorities in the actual competitive environments to assess the individual ambitions and motivational structures; and to find the factors of influence on the competitive ambitions including the success mobilization; direct/ indirect motivations within the test range; progress drivers; competitive resource; and psychical type. The success mobilization factor was found the major one of the sample. The study findings may be beneficial for the training system design missions.

Keywords: ambitions, motivations, motivational structure.


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