Gender features of aggressive and hostile reactions of students with different physical fitness levels


PhD, Associate Professor V.N. Feofanov1
M.V. Nekrasova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Boldov2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Gusev2
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow

The study analyzes the gender-specific aggression and hostility versus physical fitness test rates in students attending traditional body conditioning course and volleyball groups – using the Bassa-Darkey hostility test. Sampled for the study were the Moscow State Education Psychology University students (n=25) split up into 5 groups of 5 people each.
The study tested the female traditional body conditioning groups with normal (median-level) responses; and the male groups with the dominating median responses as well, with some individuals tested with the high aggression rates manifested in excessive irritability and verbal aggression. The female volleyball group was tested with the relatively high irritability and verbal aggression, with the other responses staying within the norm. The male volleyball group was tested with the high verbal aggression and guilt sentiments, with the other responses staying within the norm. The health-deficient male group was tested with dominating median rates in every test plus the high verbal aggression and low offense and guilt sentiments. On the whole, the aggressive and hostile responses in students of different health and physical fitness groups were tested gender-unspecific, with the differences found meaningless – probably due to the too short sample.

Keywords: aggressive and hostile responses, students, physical fitness, health, gender.


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