Benefits of extra self-reliant interdisciplinary physical trainings for young females


Dr. Hab., Professor V.S. Bykov1
Associate Professor, PhD V.Y. Kokin1
E.I. Tselishcheva1
K.B. Kiekpaeva1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

Keywords: physical education, interdisciplinary trainings, self-reliant physical training of young females.

Background. For the last few years the national educational system has given a growing priority to healthy lifestyle promotion in the young people’s communities. It is commonly recognized nowadays that health and wellbeing of every individual depends on how successful the efforts to build up and maintain healthy lifestyles in young population are [3, 6], with a special role in the multidimensional personality development process played by modern physical education tools. Physical education and sports are known to help establish a healthy foundation for many human development and cultural aspects by contributing, among other things, to the learning and cognitive processes efficiency and effectiveness with high tolerance to multiple social, economic and environmental stressors [4]. Educational establishments are also expected to facilitate the self-development and cultural process by the resource and impetus given to the personality development agenda [2].

An individual physical resource may be most effectively and purposefully transformed by a variety of physical training tools viewed as the special system designed to adapt the growing body to habitual physical practices by reasonably managed controlled-intensity workloads [1, 7].

A foreign language as both the study subject and important communication and learning tool opens up wide opportunities for improvement in different academic disciplines based on a persistent progress in linguistic knowledge, skills and versatility in communication and other domains [5].

Modern sports are rather specific and precise in terminology: thus modern fencing glossaries are dominated by French terms and derivatives, whilst many other sport disciplines (aerobics, football, volleyball, basketball etc.) are almost totally English in their languages.

Objective of the study was to to develop and test benefits of an extra-curriculum self-reliant interdisciplinary physical training combined with English language course for young females.

Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study was the 18-21 year-old student group (n=28) trained at the elective advanced education course of 36 sessions. The training curriculum included basic materials on the Olympic Games history, popular sport disciplines and sport celebrities. The education and training sessions were designed to include club discussions and international judo, ice hockey and football events. The self-reliant trainings implied staged learning in the prior instruction/ information, practical transformation and self-reliant creative learning stages.

The self-reliant practical learning sessions were intended to mobilize the trainees’ own health experiences and give them a reasonable freedom in the physical trainings in terms of the choice of practices and intensities; and facilitate application of the individual optional physical education and sport tools.

The volunteer self-reliant training course included theoretical and practical modules. The theoretical English language module offered basic materials on the Olympic Games history, human anatomy and physiology, healthy daily regimes, balanced diets, rehabilitation and self-control tools etc. The practical training module offered special physical skills mastering process (with respiratory gymnastics, qigong and aerobics elements) with the trainees’ progress tested by the education/ research practices. Given hereunder are the quotations of the instruction manual for the trainees.

Give definitions and answer the following questions:

Basic information about the Olympic Games; and how often are they held?

When the Olympic Games were resumed?

What national sport celebrities do you know? Who are the leading athletes of your city/ region? What is your favorite sport? What city/country hosts the 2018 Winter Olympics?

Daily regime: please answer the following questions:

1. Is it important to keep regular hours? Why?

2. Why do we need doing morning exercises?

Answer the following questions:

1. How do you keep doing your home chores when you are tired? Indicate some activities.

2. How soon sport practices are allowed after a meal?

3. Skip for 30 seconds and write down the results

4. Please put on your sport outfits and warm-up for 5-7 minutes; then make jump tests and write down your results. Ask your family to do the same.

We run a questioning survey and physical development, physical fitness and functionality tests of the 18-21-year-old female sample.

Study findings and discussion. Having analyzed the questioning survey data, we found 88.9% of the sample ranking physical education tools among the most efficient health protection and improvement ones. The question ‘Are you happy with the physical training and health knowledge you have got?’ was responded negatively by 77.8% of the sample. A survey of the values system of the sample ranked the top-priority values as follows: love, happy family, health, self-confidence and good friends. The survey found the following perceived most dangerous health-killers: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, regional environmental situation, social stressors and inherited health deficiencies.

The physical development and physical fitness rating tests in the traditional academic training process found a 3.5% fat mass growth associated with the body mass growth by 8.0% due to the fat mass; and drops in the strength endurance of the trunk flexors by 11,5%, vital capacity by 5.9% and wrist strength by 6.9%.

The extra-curriculum self-reliant interdisciplinary physical training course was found to improve the daily time management, diets and individual physical fitness rates in the sample. In addition, the sample was tested with improvements in the anthropological and functionality rates. Thus the 1-min trunk bending tests showed the trunk muscle strength endurance improved by 20.0%; vital capacity increased by 13.1%; and improvements in the Stange and Genche breath-holding tests by 25.5% and 27.5%, respectively. In addition, the new training course has resulted in the following growth of the health-improving female population: practicing self-massage by 7.5%; body tempering by 18.7%; autogenic therapy by 18.8%; and balanced diets by 32.4%.

The extra-curriculum self-reliant interdisciplinary physical training model has also resulted in the sample progress in the following aspects: daily regime design and management; healthy diets and the individual physical trainings. The progress tests data were indicative of the meaningful progress of the group going in for the extra-curriculum self-reliant interdisciplinary physical trainings in the physical education, health and sport domains.

Conclusion. The new extra-curriculum self-reliant interdisciplinary physical training course was found beneficial as verified by the sample progress in the physical education, health, sport and academic learning domains; growth of the physical fitness and functionality rates and expressed commitment for healthy lifestyles. It was also found that the extra-curriculum self-reliant interdisciplinary physical training with English language course effectively encourages the students’ learning, cognitive and physical activity as verified by the meaningful growth of the off-class physical activity of the students.


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The study considers education service as the process geared to maintain, disseminate and develop culture and to encourage the individual and collective creativity, personality progress and self-transformation agenda, with the modern physical education service playing a special role in this process. Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of an extra-curriculum self-reliant interdisciplinary physical training combined with English language course for young females. Sampled for the study was a student group (n=28) trained at the elective advanced education course of 36 sessions. The training curriculum included basic materials on the Olympic Games history, popular sport disciplines and sport celebrities.

The study data and analyses showed benefits of the training model for the academic personality-sensitive physical education and health service customizable to the actual progress needs of the young people – as verified by the sample progress in the physical fitness, functionality and health rates. It was also found that the extra-curriculum self-reliant interdisciplinary physical training with English language course effectively encourages the students’ learning, cognitive and physical activity as verified by the meaningful growth of the off-class physical activity of the students.