Professional competency advancement trainings for adaptive physical education specialists


Dr.Hab., Professor F.D. Rasskazov1
Postgraduate student O.Y. Muller1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Keywords: adaptive physical education, professional competency, professional training.

Background. Modern educational concept gives a high priority to inclusive educational models that offer, among other things, professional trainings for adaptive physical education and sports service specialists. A professionally competent adaptive physical education and sports specialist is expected to demonstrate and excel the theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the relevant personality qualities for success of the service. Competent adaptive physical education and sports human resource form a basis for the modern special and inclusive educational systems – that make a special emphasis on the advanced training models for the adaptive physical education and sports specialists. The issues of adaptive sports and adaptive physical education and sports specialist trainings have been studied by a pool of national researchers including O.P. Panfilov, O.V. Aksenov, V.F. Balashov et al.

Objective of the study was to assess benefits of the new professional competency advancement training model for the adaptive physical education and sports specialists.

Methods and structure of the study. The adaptive physical education and sports specialist advanced training model testing experiment was run at the Disabled People Sport Training and Rehabilitation Center. Sampled for the experiment were 32 people split up into Experimental (EG) and Reference (RG) Groups of 16 people each. The sample was tested by the personality questionnaire surveys to rate the personality/ educational qualities and motivations including the V.M.Rusalova questionnaire survey to rate the formal dynamic individual qualities; K. Zampfir survey adapted by A. Rean to rate the professionally valuable qualities; plus the personality self-rating tests to rate the individual reflexive competences in the groups.

Study findings and discussion. The primary fact-finding stage of the experiment was designed to rate the background personality and reflexive qualities/ competences of the sample prior to the adaptive physical education and sports specialist advanced training model testing experiment. The primary tests found insignificant differences in the EG versus RG pre-experimental professional personality and reflective competences: see Table 1.

Table 1. EG versus RG pre-experimental professional personality and reflective competences

Professional competences

Pre-experimental test rates










Personality competences







Reflective competences







At the adaptive physical education and sports specialist advanced training model piloting stage we run a few professional trainings designed as recommended by O.P. Panfilov’s in his Communication Skills, Sensitivity and Bodily Reflexes Trainings [5, pp. 135-138], with each of the training model components geared to advance the relevant personality/ reflective competences. Thus the Communication Skills Training was designed to advance the critical personality qualities, communication and interpersonal cooperation skills. The Sensitivity Training was geared to advance the teamwork skills driven by the growing understanding of the group cooperation processes and the relevant behavioral control abilities. And the Bodily Reflexes Training was intended to complement the above two training components by the critically important nonverbal communication skills.

Each of the training components included special practices with feedbacks, with each course of the adaptive physical education and sports specialist advanced training model giving a special priority to the own training drawbacks/ deficiencies identification and correction by every trainee. The trainers were not allowed to pinpoint the individual drawbacks/ deficiencies and were instead required to give time to every trainee to realize them on his/her own by self-analysis and reflection in the micro-group trainings. As reported by the trainees, they appreciated the opportunity to analyze the own and group interactions in the “here and now” analyzing format with the individual perceptions of the teamwork being freely shared by the group members. One of the key responsibilities of the trainers for success of the trainings was to secure friendly cooperation and mutual support in the group sessions.

The final stage of the adaptive physical education and sports specialist advanced training model piloting experiment was designed to test the post-experimental personality and reflective competences in the both groups and rate the group progress. Benefits of the adaptive physical education and sports specialist advanced training model were rated by the group progress in the personality (including the motivations, professionally valid personality qualities and formal dynamic personality qualities indices) and reflective (professional qualities self-rates) competences of the future adaptive physical education and sports specialists. The generalized progress test data were classified into three levels: see Table 2.

Table 2. EG versus RG post-experimental professional personality and reflective competences

Professional competences

Post-experimental test rates










Personality competences







Reflective competences







The EG versus RG post- versus pre-experimental professional personality and reflective competences rating analysis showed benefits of the adaptive physical education and sports specialist advanced training model with the EG progress rates in the professional personality and reflective competences being significantly higher.

Conclusion. The adaptive physical education and sports specialist advanced training model was found beneficial for the modern educational systems as verified by the meaningful progress of the EG in the model testing experiment. The study findings may be highly beneficial for designers of the adaptive physical education and sports specialist advancement courses and the relevant education models.


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The article analyzes findings of an experiment run at the Disabled People Sport Training and Rehabilitation Center geared to assess benefits of a new professional competency advancement training model for the adaptive physical education and sports specialists. The experiment was intended to rate mostly the personality and reflective competences in the sample. At the first stage of the experiment, the new advancement trainings were offered to the sample of adaptive physical education and sports specialists. At the progress testing stage of the experiment, the EG and RG were tested to rate the post- versus pre-experimental personality and reflective competences. The comparative analysis showed benefits of the new advancement training model as verified by the EG versus RG progress in the personality and reflective competences. The study findings may be highly beneficial for designers of the adaptive physical education and sports specialist advancement courses and the relevant education models.