Expert community’s world outlook platform versus national policies for academic physical education service: comparative analysis


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019

Postgraduate A.V.Sergeyev
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

The article analyzes in subjective-objective terms the existing academic physical education system and offers the notion of world outlook platform interpreted as the key values, priorities, knowledgebase and opinions in a specific field. Subject to the study were the current national academic Physical Education development policies versus the expert community’s world outlook platform on the subject – with the idea that the national policies need to be highly compliant with the expert community’s world outlook platform in every matter of the modern academic Physical Education service.
The expert community’s world outlook platform was profiled by an expert opinion poll, with the Physical Education Department faculty members of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow University (n=48) sampled for the poll. The poll generated the key values and priorities of the expert community in the issues of modern academic Physical Education service – that were compared with the key missions, goals, priorities and progress rating criteria set forth by the relevant national academic Physical Education service development policies. The comparative analysis made it possible to outline agreements and disagreements (the degree of congruence) in the expert community’s world outlook platform versus the current national policies on the issues of academic Physical Education service.

Keywords: academic physical education, higher education, academic sports, Russia’s national policies.


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