Traditional and synergized competitive performance models for adaptive combat sports


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019

PhD, Professor V.A. Vishnevskiy
Surgut State University, Surgut

Increased competition in the international arena has actualized the problem of organizing integrated monitoring, as close as possible to the competitive conditions, as part of the scientific and methodological support for the athletic training. The present study provides experimental data to substantiate selection and assessment of the competitive performance models for adaptive combat sports based on a standardized data analysis driven by the chaos-and-synergy theory. It was found that the numbers of actual combat skills actually employed in competitive bouts are in an inverse correlation with the body mass, with the competitive records confirming the finding. A competitive success depends on how efficient is the fighter in mobilizing, in a versatile manner, every trained skill, in pursuing the own tactics (fight plan), in defense and attacks, and how mentally and emotionally balanced and tolerant is he to the stresses.Synergy analysis showed that the higher is the trained skills mobilization factor the higher is the quasi-attractor asymmetry with the growing chaos in the system. The trained skills mobilization factor was found correlated both with the quasi-attractor asymmetry (r=0.979, p<0.01, n=18) and the body mass (r=-0.663, p<0.01, n=18). The analysis also found the following variables of the highest effect on the degree of order and trained skills mobilization factor: success rate; competitive strength; and the technical skills and attack success rate.

Keywords: adaptive combat sports, athletic training, competitive performance, standardized data, chaos-and-synergy theory.


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