Healthy lifestyle prioritizing advanced education service for teenage population


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019

A.N. Alenova1
Dr.Hab., PhD, Associate Professor V.G. Shubovich1
PhD, Associate Professor I.O. Petrishchev1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

The present study analyzes benefits of a healthy lifestyle prioritizing additional education service model for the initiatives to secure healthy and all-round progress of the national teenage population, with a special attention to the modern additional education service and healthy lifestyle elements. The study was run at the advanced education courses for teenagers at the I.N. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University. Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new healthy lifestyle promotion/ motivational education program for teenagers. The healthy lifestyle agendas were tested and rated in the study by the L.G. Kachan ‘Your Lifestyle’ test; with the healthy lifestyle driving values and priorities tested by the S.S. Bubnov Actual Personality Values Profiling Test toolkit; and the theoretical healthy lifestyle knowledge tested by a healthy lifestyle Knowledge Test of our own design. The study found benefits of the new healthy lifestyle prioritizing additional education model as verified by the pre- versus post-experimental test rates obtained by the healthy lifestyle values and motivations progress tests. The age-, physicality- and mentality-specific healthy lifestyle prioritizing additional education model may be recommended for practical application in the young people health education and healthy lifestyle promotion projects.

Keywords: health, healthy lifestyle, additional education, motivational environment, healthy lifestyle motivations, physical self-perfection.


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